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'Zero Food Waste' Initiative


Developing a good habit of ‘zero food waste’ (also called “光盘”in Chinese) plays a decisive role in minimizing carbon footprint and protecting the environment across the campus.

This is a snapshot of ZJU’s canteen, with slogans of ‘zero food waste’ setting beside the Plates Collection Corner.

房间里有许多窗户  描述已自动生成


A student-led activity called ‘Collecting Stamps to Achieve Zero Food Waste’:

The students who successfully collect 14 stamps (7 times of lunches and dinners each) at the end of the week, a bunch of exquisite gifts would be provided.

街道边立着广告牌子  描述已自动生成

桌子上的手  中度可信度描述已自动生成


A highlight of ‘Zero Food Waste’ Initiative:

Our teachers and students actively participated in this initiative, and mixed 30 bags of fallen leaves and food waste with soil for degradation reaction, and generated organic fertilizer, which was provided to the labor education garden. This activity provides more possibilities for the green and sustainable development of the campus.