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Dialogue@ZJU: With Prof. HUANG Hefeng, Dean of ZJU’s International School of Medicine


[In this edition of Dialogue@ZJU, we are honored to feature Dr. HUANG Hefeng, a trailblazer in reproductive medicine. Dr. HUANG's significant contributions have been recognized by titles such as Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the UK, Academician of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, and Dean of the International School of Medicine at Zhejiang University. Dr. HUANG's passion for reproductive medicine was sparked during her formative years at Zhejiang University. Her commitment to the field and its potential to impact countless lives is truly inspiring. Join us as she shares her journey, insights, and vision for the future of medical education and global healthcare.]

Q1: What sparks your interest in reproductive medicine?

HUANG: The birth of a new life is sacred and stirring. When I was a student at Zhejiang Medical University (now Zhejiang University School of Medicine), I had the chance of interning at a regional-level hospital. Where I encountered many complex cases every day. One day a high-risk puerpera was admitted, and both her life and that of her fetus were hung in the balance. After an emergency cesarean section was performed, the newborn showed almost no sign of life. Despite our immediate resuscitation efforts, we all thought that the newborn's chance of survival was low. But the newborn's sudden resounding cry made us relieved. That experience let me choose unhesitatingly obstetrics and gynecology as a lifelong career.

Q2: Could you brief us on your thoughts about studying and working at Zhejiang University?

HUANG: Zhejiang University and Women's Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University (WHZJU) have been allowing me to pursue the work that I love such as providing outpatient care and performing surgeries. Moreover, what makes reproductive medicine truly captivating is not only addressing practical issues for countless patients but also its allure in scientific research. Thanks for the opportunities provided by the university and hospital, I can have an excellent platform to engage in uncharted territories of research in reproductive medicine.

Q3: As the only Chinese scientist granted the Fuller W. Bazer SSR International Scientist Award, what advice do you have for students and scholars pursuing a career in reproductive medicine?

HUANG: I feel deeply honored to have received this award. Human reproduction is an ever-lasting theme, and ensuring mothers welcome healthy newborns is the fundamental mission of obstetricians and gynecologists. I hope that all of my colleagues working in this field will devote themselves to meeting the needs of families worldwide.

Q4: As the Dean of the International School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, what is your vision of the future?

HUANG: I believe we are capable of making pioneering contributions to the global medical field, with a commitment to prioritizing the health and well-being of individuals across the globe. A pivotal aspect of this vision is cultivating excellent international medical students. With the support from the Fourth Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University. We are building a comprehensive medical education system encompassing undergraduate and postgraduate cultivation, as well as post-graduation guidance at our medical school. Furthermore, by utilizing the resources of the international Institutes of Medicine. Zhejiang University, we aim to drive innovation and development throughout the entire healthcare sector. We are also forging deeper connections with “Belt and Road countries in terms of scientific research, medical services, talent cultivation, and promoting the “Study in China” brand.

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Source: School of Medicine, Zhejiang University