The TruSense team, comprised of 11 students from different colleges at Zhejiang University, including the College of Life Sciences, the CKC Honors College, the Department of Chemistry, the College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, the School of Medicine and the School of Economics, won the Public Inspiration Award at SenseUs 2019 held from August 26 to September 4 in the Netherlands.
SensUs, launched by the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2015, is an annual international student competition on sensors for health with a view to accelerating the development and innovation of biosensors and stimulating education in this field.SensUs 2019 challenged student teams from all over the world to develop innovative biosensing systems for the treatment of rheumatic disease.The theme of SensUs 2019 was“Managing rheumatic disease, by measuring with ease”.
At SensUs 2019, TruSense and other 13 teams competed with each other in developing small sensors to measure in blood the concentration of a very important medicine: adalimumab. Visitors from all over the world watched the event on the online SensUs Digital platform, featuring livestreams, pictures, live data of the testing and much more. The sensor designed by TruSense is called “Bisheng”, whose core chip is made of porous silicon. It successfully measured the concentration of adalimumab in 18 samples within merely 2 hours. Thanks to its outstanding performance, TruSense clinched the Public Inspiration Award.
Not only did this competition give students an avenue to know about cutting-edge technology, innovative thinking and commercialization, but it also provided students with an opportunity to hone their English skills and expand their horizons.