Logic Reading Club: Selected Literature on Formal Argument
Every Friday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Conference & Workshop
This book club is about reading literature related to formal argumentation. We hope to share the joy of research, improve understanding of formal argumentation as a field of study, and enhance academic writing skills through reading and discussing papers. We welcome interested students to participate.Some knowledge of mathematics and mathematical writing skills will be helpful in reading the literature, and participants can develop such skills in the process of participating in the event. The following are examples of statements that will be encountered in the course of reading the literature:Definition. An abstract argumentation framework F is a pair (A, R), where A is a set of arguments and R is a binary relation on R. If (a, b) ∈ R, we say that a attacks b.Definition. Let S be a set of arguments and a an argument. We say that S is conflict-free, if there does not exist a, b in S such that a attacks b. We say that S defends a if for any argument b that attacks a, there exists an argument in S that attacks b.Definition. A set of arguments S is admissible, if S is conflict-free and defends each of its elements.Lemma. If S is admissible and S defends a, then S∪{a} is admissible.Format of the reading clubEach event lasts 2 hours. The first hour is for student presentations on the content of the article. The second hour is for discussion, where each person expresses his or her opinion about the article. Professor LIAO Bizhui from the School of Philosophy participates in the discussion, and postdoctoral fellow CHEN Jinsheng moderates.Contact person:CHEN Jinsheng, email:jinshengchen@zju.edu.cnTime and PlaceEvery Friday from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the fall and winter semesters (see the table below for details)307, Meng Minwei Building, Zijingang CampusReading MaterialsBooks:1. Baroni, P., Gabbay, D., Giacomin, M., & Van der Torre, L. (2018). Handbook of formal argumentation. (参考)2. Gabbay, D. M., Giacomin, M., Simari, G. R., & Thimm, M. (2021). Journal of Applied Logics: Special Issue on Formal argumentation. (部分)3. Rahwan, I., & Simari, G. R. (Eds.). (2009). Argumentation in artificial intelligence (Vol. 47). Heidelberg: Springer. (部分)Literature:1. Amgoud, L. (2012, July). Five weaknesses of ASPIC+. In International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (pp. 122-131). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.2. Modgil, S. (2009). Reasoning about preferences in argumentation frameworks. Artificial intelligence, 173(9-10), 901-934.3. Modgil, S., & Prakken, H. (2013). A general account of argumentation with preferences. Artificial Intelligence, 195, 361-397.4. Verheij, B. (2012). Clarifying some misconceptions on the ASPIC+ framework. Computational Models of Argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2012, 245, 442.
This book club is about reading literature related to formal argumentation. We hope to share the joy of research, improve understanding of formal argumentation as a field of study, and enhance academic writing skills through reading and discussing papers. We welcome interested students to participate.
School of Philosophy
2022-09-30 11:22:27
Zijingang Campus
2022 Overseas Workshop of Life Sciences
Conference & Workshop
The School of Life Sciences has invited teachers from the University of Southern California, the University of Western Sydney, and the National University of Singapore to deliver cloud lectures to students, to communicate and interact with academic masters, to expand international vision, and to understand cutting-edge academics.Speaker:Dr. Dechen LIN, Associate Professor, University of Southern California, U.S.A., focuses on genomics, epigenetics and novel disease models of upper respiratory and upper gastrointestinal cancers.Topic: Maintenance of global DNA methylation: its mechanism and significance in cancerVenue: 245 Lecture Hall, College of Life SciencesLecture Time: September 26, 2022, 9:00 amAs there is a limit of ZOOM account users, please try to attend the lecture on site if you are interested.More contentDr. Belinda Medlyn, Distinguished Professor at the University of Western Sydney, Australia, is a Laureate Fellow of the University of Western Sydney, Australia. Her research focuses on the response of plant and forest ecosystems to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate change and the mechanisms of related processes.October 10, 10:00 am
Dr. Dechen LIN, Associate Professor, University of Southern California, U.S.A., focuses on genomics, epigenetics and novel disease models of upper respiratory and upper gastrointestinal cancers.
Dechen LIN
2022-09-26 10:54:59
Book Club in the Fall and Winter Semesters of 2022 Academic Year
The Fall and Winter Semesters of 2022 Academic Year
Conference & Workshop
Introduction to the Book ClubIn order to further create an academic atmosphere and promote communication, as well as to enrich the experience of doctoral students in organizing discussions, the Department of Sociology encourages book clubs organized by doctoral students and attended mainly by undergraduate students.The five main themes of the book club in the fall and winter semester of the academic year 2022 are:1. Capitalist Economic System (资本主义经济制度)Leader: ZHANG ZhongjiContact: 159901691772、The Birth of the Irrational Cage: The History of Social Discipline of Insanity from Insanity and Civilization (非理性牢笼的诞生:从《疯癫与文明》考察“疯癫”的社会规训史)Director: ZHANG SiyingTel: 188671510193、Fate, Dynamism and Uncertainty: Coping Strategies in Chinese Divination Practice (命运、能动性与不确定性:中国占卜实践中的应对策略)Leader: CHEN YulingTel: 188194916054、Masculinities (Masculinities 男性气质)Leader: WEI FuyunContact WeChat:30267421895、The Sources of Social Power: The History of Power in the Ancient State (社会权力的来源:古代国家的权力史)Leader:YANG QixinContact number: 19857136213Interested students are welcome to contact the person in charge of the corresponding book club topic for communication, and the specific arrangements will be agreed upon by the person in charge and the participating students.
In order to further create an academic atmosphere and promote communication, as well as to enrich the experience of doctoral students in organizing discussions, the Department of Sociology encourages book clubs organized by doctoral students and attended mainly by undergraduate students.
2022-09-12 09:12:13
Zijingang Campus
Call for Papers for the 21st China Symposium on Empirical Accounting in 2022
Conference & Workshop
To further promote the development of empirical accounting research in China and to prosper accounting academics, the 21st China Empirical Accounting Symposium is scheduled to be held at Zhejiang University from December 16 to 18, 2022. The conference is organized by the Council of China Accounting Review and hosted by the School of Management of Zhejiang University. Papers are invited from experts and scholars at home and abroad.I. Themes of the Call for PapersThe topics of the symposium include (but are not limited to) the following research areas: financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, internal control and risk management, corporate finance, capital market accounting and financial issues, information disclosure and regulation, government accounting, behavioral accounting, taxation, international accounting, etc. At the same time, the conference welcomes rigorous and standardized research results involving multiple topics of accounting, finance and auditing changes and innovations in the era of digital intelligence. Research results.Workshop schedule (detailed schedule will be announced before the conference)The seminar is scheduled to last for two and a half days, and the preliminary schedule is as follows.(a) Conference check-in.December 15, 2022 (Thursday) 14:00-18:00December 16, 2022 (Friday) 10:00-20:00 (II) Academic Forum for Doctoral Students.December 16, 2022 (Friday) 14:00 -17:00.Excellent manuscripts will be selected from doctoral submissions for academic presentations, and famous scholars from home and abroad will be invited to make comments.(Priority will be given to papers with independent authors of PhD students, collaboration among PhD students, and papers with first authors of PhD students)(III) Doctoral Student Career Exchange Meeting.December 16, 2022 (Friday) 17:30 -20:30.Universities and faculties that want to release employment information are requested to prepare relevant information in advance.(IV) Conference opening ceremony and keynote speech, parallel sub-forum, council meeting, conference closing ceremony.December 17, 2022 (Saturday) morning: opening ceremony and keynote speech, parallel sub-forumDecember 17, 2022 (Saturday) afternoon: Parallel ForumDecember 17, 2022 (Saturday) evening: Council MeetingDecember 18, 2022 (Sunday) morning: Parallel SessionsDecember 18, 2022 (Sunday) noon: Closing CeremonyCautions for submission(1) Papers should be written in Chinese or English, and the working language of the conference is Chinese.(2) The conference advocates the use of multiple research methods, provided that the research methods used belong to the empirical research methods in a broad sense and the papers have not been published.(3) Submission: The submission address of the 21st China Empirical Accounting Symposium is the system platform of China Accounting Review at http://zkjp.cbpt.cnki.net/. Please select Author Submission System to submit your manuscript. If you do not have an account, please register first and then submit your manuscript. In addition, before uploading the manuscript, please name it in the following format: Annual Meeting of Evidence + Corresponding Author + Author Affiliation + Paper Title. The conference only accepts papers in PDF and Word format, and the format of the papers must strictly follow the style of the Chinese Accounting Review. Please fill in the Submission Form when submitting your paper. The Submission Form should be placed on the first page of the paper with the words Call for Papers for the 21st China Empirical Accounting Symposium 2022.(4) Deadline for paper submission: October 7, 2022. The conference team will inform the authors whether their papers are accepted or not on or about October 20, 2022.(5) If the authors do not specifically declare, the selected papers will be considered as submissions to China Accounting Review and the journal will publish them on merit.(6) The symposium will establish the Best Paper Award of the 21st Chinese Empirical Accounting Symposium. The conference will select a number of award-winning papers in strict accordance with the procedures and rules adopted by the Board of Directors of the China Accounting Review. The best papers will be selected among the manuscripts agreed to be submitted to the China Accounting Review.
The 21st China Symposium on Empirical Accounting in 2022
2022-12-16 09:38:42
Zhejiang University
China-Japan High-level Expert Symposium on Energy Transition
Conference & Workshop
Live Streaming: https://wx.vzan.com/live/page/274DA5F5B527D755A95C7BAFE52233C0?topicid=294724680&shauid=wococw2wxOg-CoMGfntwnA**&vprid=0&sharetstamp=1655943866855 Live Steaming QR Code:
Top scientists from China and Japan will talk on cutting-edge research and practice of energy transition, and explore ways to achieve carbon neutrality in the energy field.
2022-06-30 14:24:09
Online & Offline
The 2nd Sino-German Sustainable Development Forum
Conference & Workshop
Friday 10 June, 20228:30-12:00 Germany; 14:30-18:00 ChinaUniversities can play a crucial role in addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve the world’s most urgent mission - Carbon Neutrality by 2050. Join the Forum for robust discussions on Low-carbon Concrete Structure, Building Design and Construction in Climate Change, Low-carbon Construction Materials, and Academia-Industry Collaboration led by top universities in China and Germany - Zhejiang University (ZJU), RWTH Aachen University and DAAD, the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers.Green building is believed to contribute towards meeting multiple SDGs, including Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11) and Climate Action (SDG 13). Building on the collective strength of academic champions and early- and mid-career researchers, the Forum will promote cross-institutional knowledge sharing and transfer at the intersection of post-pandemic Carbon Neutrality and explore collaborative initiatives that offer solutions for green building design and construction.In addition to DAAD, the Humboldt Foundation, EURAXESS China, and Sino-German Centre for Research Promotion will be invited to present available funding opportunities. The Forum will thus be beneficial to those who would like to take advantage of international opportunities and is particularly relevant to early- and mid-career researchers who are keen to develop their global network.Organized by: Zhejiang University, RWTH Aachen University, DAAD China Registration and tentative program: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/344578994047Live streaming on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.Any problems with registration? Please email Ms. ZHENG Qi (qizheng95@zju.edu.cn) at ZJU's Office of Global Engagement.
Organized by DAAD China, Zhejiang University, RWTH Aachen University
2022-06-10 11:16:45
International Conference on Technology and Design
May 30 to June 1
Conference & Workshop
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) will host the International Conference on Technology and Design (ICTD) 2022 in SUTD campus from 30 May to 1 June, 2022. The theme of ICTD 2022 is A More Sustainable and Happier World by Technology and Design. Prestigious academics, policy makers, researchers and industry practitioners will be invited to share their insightful opinions on various topics relating to Technology and Design in six sub-themes (please refer to the programme structure below).ICTD is a joint effort between SUTD and Zhejiang University (ZJU). The objective of ICTD is to congregate world renowned higher education institutions and leading industry organizations to discuss the current situation, challenges and advancements relating to the rapid emergence and fusion of technology and design. The annual ICTD has been held alternately between Singapore and Hangzhou, China since 2019. ICTD 2022 is free to all. It will be held in hybrid format and live streaming will be available on YouTube and bilibili platform.In ICTD 2022, the invited speakers will share their exciting work in the following sub-themes:1. Sustainable Future Driven by Technology and Design2. Sustainable Smart Cities3. Innovations for Sustainability4. Sustainable Health and Wellbeing5. Environmental, Social, and Governance6. Sustainable Human-centric Design
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) will host the International Conference on Technology and Design (ICTD) 2022 in SUTD campus from 30 May to 1 June, 2022. The theme of ICTD 2022 is A More Sustainable and Happier World by Technology and Design. Prestigious academics, policy makers, researchers and industry practitioners will be invited to share their insightful opinions on various topics relating to Technology and Design in six sub-themes.
2022-05-30 11:41:45
The 1st ZJU Workshop on Information Systems and Management
Conference & Workshop
Speaker: CAO Zike, Professor, School of Management, Zhejiang UniversityQIU Liangfei, Associate Professor, Warrington College of Business, University of FloridaSHI Lanfei, Assistant Professor of Commerce, University of VerginiaTONG Yu, Associate Professor, School of Management, Zhejiang UniversityVenue: ZOOM (Meeting ID: 998 1131 0378, Passcode: 560508)
Multiple speakers
CAO Zike, QIU Liangfei, SHI Lanfei, TONG Yu
2022-05-05 19:35:30
Asia-Pacific Carbon Neutrality Symposium
13:00 (GMT+8)
Conference & Workshop
Join the two-day online Symposium for robust discussions on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration, Sustainable Energy, and Sustainable City and Construction led by four top universities in the Asia-Pacific region - Zhejiang University (ZJU), the University of Sydney (USYD), National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM).Date and timeDAY 1: Mon, 11 Apr 2022, 13:00-15:10 (GMT+8)DAY 2: Tue, 12 Apr 2022, 11:30-14:15 (GMT+8)Registration:https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/asia-pacific-carbon-neutrality-symposium-tickets-296441874627Live streaming can be followed on these platforms1. Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZJU_China2. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZhejiangUniversityChina3. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ZhejiangUniversityChina
Join the two-day online Symposium for robust discussions on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration, Sustainable Energy, and Sustainable City and Construction led by four top universities in the Asia-Pacific region - Zhejiang University (ZJU), the University of Sydney (USYD), National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM).
2022-04-11 13:00:00
ZOOM Webinar