Funding Opportunities

You can find national and provincial agencies’ program announcements on their websites as well as our Notices section. For Internal funding opportunities, please click the link below.

ZJU-Stanford Collaboration Fund

About:To actively promote in-depth collaboration between ZJU and Stanford University, the fund was established in 2017 thanks to generous donation from ZJU Alumnus LV Jianming, Chairman of the Board of TC Group.

Details: The total amount of fund each year is approximately 10,000,000 RMB, with the focus on enhancing student and faculty mobility between the two institutions and exploring innovative solutions to grand challenges.

Eligibility:ZJU scholars, including international faculty, are eligible for the fund.

Application: The application deadline is usually at the end of each year, usually in November or December. For details on application requirements and other questions, please contact Ms TIAN Minjie,

Zeng Xianzi International Exchange Foundation (Humanities and Social Sciences)

About: To further promote faculty internationalization, expand the University's international impact and enhance its international reputation in humanities and social sciences, ZJU set up the Zeng Xianzi International Exchange Foundation in 2017.

Details:There are two types of awards, International Conference Foundation for Young Faculty in Humanities and Social Sciences and International Cooperative Research Foundation for Young Teachers in Humanities and Social Sciences. In 2017, it funded 10 international conference projects, totaling RMB 99,000, and 11 international cooperative research projects, totaling RMB 305,000.

Eligibility:ZJU scholars in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences are eligible for the grant.

Application:The foundation deadlines are in January and June of each year. For details on application requirements and other questions, please contact Ms SHAO Shuyu,